Carlisle, IN

Water Supply and Treatment Improvements

HWC worked with the Town of Carlisle, Indiana to develop a State Revolving Fund (SRF) compliant Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to obtain funding to improve the system, which serves the Town and the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility.

The Town’s raw water is supplied by five wells located southwest of the Town of Carlisle, adjacent to SR 58 in the Wabash River aquifer. Three of the wells lacked the capacity to individually meet the system’s demands, and the two larger wells were beginning to show signs of wear due to overuse. Additionally, the packaged filter units were of different capacities and in poor condition. The project recommended a new 600-GPM well and two new 600-GPM aeralator type filter units. Construction and demolition sequencing considerations were of the utmost importance during the design to ensure existing operations could be maintained during construction.

The $3.5 million project was completed in 2021 with funding provided by a SRF loan and a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA). HWC completed all planning, design, bidding, and construction phase services for this project.