Martinsville Ohio Street Reconstruction

Martinsville Ohio Street Reconstruction

Martinsville, IN

Ohio Street Reconstruction

HWC was responsible for the construction inspection of the Ohio Street Reconstruction project in Martinsville, Indiana. 

The project consisted of multiple operations including existing utilities coordination, removal of the existing roads, storm water pipe and structures installation, water service connections, full pavement replacement for approximately 3,000 LF, and sidewalk reconstruction for several hundred feet. The pavement and sidewalk reconstruction included new roundabout, truck apron, splitter islands, and curb ramps installation.

Construction began in January 2023 and was completed in late 2023.

The project cost was approximately $3.1 million.

Seymour Burkart Boulevard Phase 2

Seymour Burkart Boulevard Phase 2

Seymour, IN

Burkart Boulevard Phase 2

HWC was responsible for the inspection of the construction of Burkart Boulevard Phase 2. The project consisted of 1.5 miles of new roadway, intersection improvements, at-grade railroad crossing, and a multi-use trail located in Seymour, Indiana.

Phase 2 was a new segment of roadway to provide a bypass from US 50 on the east side of Seymour to US 50 on the west side of Seymour to alleviate through truck traffic. The scope of this project included clearing farm fields and some wooded areas, constructing new side slopes, ditches, and roadway, and installing drainage culverts and box culverts. The project has new asphalt pavement with roundabouts at Airport Road and SR 11 (Walnut Street) intersections and a paved multi-use trail along the entire length of the road. Also included was the installation of guardrail, pavement markings, signage, and lighting at the roundabouts. The project has new at-grade crossings for a railway spur on both the new roadway and the multi-use trail.

The project completion date was October 31, 2023. The LPA project was funded by the City of Seymour and the Federal Highway Administration and was managed by INDOT.

North Vernon Walnut Street Reconstruction

North Vernon Walnut Street Reconstruction

North Vernon, IN

Walnut Street Reconstruction

HWC was responsible for the full-time inspection of the North Vernon Walnut Street Reconstruction.

This project encompassed a variety of different components including sanitary sewer, water main, and storm system reconstruction. On top of the underground improvements, the project included full-depth reconstruction of the roadway including the replacement of all sidewalks, curb ramps, and approaches within the right-of-way, as well as traffic signal modernizations and street lighting enhancements. Additionally, decorative brick paver enhancements were included to tie the area with the downtown streetscape, which was previously constructed in 2016 and utilized Stellar funding. This project was funded by INDOT LPA funds and by the City of North Vernon. The total construction cost was $8.4 million and the project was completed in the fall of 2023.

Seymour Burkart Boulevard Phase 1

Seymour Burkart Boulevard Phase 1

Seymour, IN

Burkart Boulevard Phase 1

HWC was responsible for the inspection of the construction of Burkart Boulevard Phase 1. The project consisted of 2.3 miles of new roadway, a bridge over the L&I Railroad, and a multi-use trail located in Seymour, Indiana.

Phase 1 was a new segment of roadway to provide a bypass to Freeman Field from US 50. The scope of this project included clearing of farm fields and some wooded areas, constructing new embankments and roadway, installing drainage culverts and several box culverts. The project has a single-span bridge over the L&I Railroad and a long segment of MSE Wall from each end bent east and west of the railroad and new asphalt pavement with a roundabout at the O’Brien Street intersection. The project has a paved multi-use trail along the entire length of the road. Also included was the installation of guardrail, pavement markings, signage, and lighting at the roundabout.

The contract completion date was October 31, 2021. The $17.3 million LPA project was funded by the City of Seymour and INDOT.

Muncie Wheeling Avenue Reconstruction

Muncie Wheeling Avenue Reconstruction

Muncie, IN

Wheeling Avenue Reconstruction

HWC is responsible for full time inspection of the Wheeling Avenue project in Muncie, Indiana. 

Project includes both resurfaced and fully reconstructed sections of roadway with widening. Applicable signage and traffic signals to be placed. New sidewalk and corresponding drive approaches, curb and ADA ramps to be installed on the east and west sides of Wheeling Avenue. New storm sewer pipe and structure installation throughout project limits. 

The project is funded by INDOT and the City of Muncie. Project cost is approximately $4,249,325.