Cloverdale Lieber SRA Wastewater Regionalization
Cloverdale, IN
Lieber SRA, Regionalization and Wastewater Improvements
HWC completed a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the Town of Cloverdale’s wastewater collection and treatment system for project funding through the Indiana Finance Authority’s (IFA) State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program.
With HWC’s work in Cloverdale, the IFA retained HWC to complete a wastewater collection and treatment system analyses and PER for the Lieber State Recreation Area (SRA) in Putnam County. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is working with IFA to analyze their properties to enhance regional water quality through wastewater regionalization with their systems.
HWC’s recommendations for both the Cloverdale and Lieber SRA collection systems propose to reduce wet weather-based Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) to optimize the Cloverdale wastewater treatment facility. Both collection systems’ project recommendations include Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP), force main replacement, and manhole rehabilitation.
Due to the age of the Lieber SRA Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), HWC further recommended that the facility be replaced with a regional lift station and approximately four miles of force main to deliver all the Lieber SRA wastewater to Cloverdale’s system for treatment.
For Cloverdale to be able to fully treat existing and the added regionalized flows, the Cloverdale WWTF needed various upgrades and repairs. Included within these recommended projects are headworks screening upgrade, blower replacement, upgraded internal water reuse system, aeration tank wall repairs, and circular clarifier covers with netting to reduce debris entering and clogging the process.
The total estimated cost of the recommended projects for Cloverdale and Lieber SRA is $8.5 million with construction in 2024.
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